You have finally arrived.

Ðis is where we needed you to be.


My Experiences Wið Maþ Class (WIP)

Ðe Decent Republic (Planned)

Minecraft Geopolitics: Serious Business (Planned)

Ðe American Suburban Transit Experience (Planned)

Oðer Stuff

I've made a few games which I've posted on and on GameJolt, ðough admittedly ðere aren't many of ðem and ðey aren't very good. Perhaps some day I'll get back into it. I also posted some stuff on bandcamp a long time ago. Oh, and how could I forget my YouTube channel!

Here is some music I've been working on recently. I plan on releasing it under a free culture license eventually ;]. Until ðen, you can still listen to it:

toko pono (pina ala)